DATEV, for example, has been able to import bank data into its financial accounting system since 1996. Connecting banks to cloud applications has been common practice for many years.
(you can access our main page here: )
The automatic import of bank data and the partially automatic account assignment of imported sales saves a lot of time and provides better quality data.
Depending on the client structure, 90 - 98% of banks and credit cards can be automated in DATEV firms. Credit cards often cannot be imported as a bank. Some banks cannot be accessed by DATEV or retroactive sales transactions cannot be accessed.
This is where our converter comes into play and offers options for the remaining 2-10%!!!
In order to further optimise the processes in the law firm, we recommend the following procedure:
- Distribute responsibility. Appoint one or two employees as "financial accounting - bank officers" who then take over the following points.
- Determination of an ACTUAL state in the office (see also here
- Analysis of the current status and determination of how the remaining banks and credit cards are to be imported.
- Definition of the target. By when should which banks and credit cards have been created and imported for the first time?
- Training of employees and sensitization for the topic (Every bank or credit card with more than 10 bookings / month can be imported more effectively than manually recorded !!!)
- Ongoing control