Individual Converters

Created with Sketch.

Before you go to the trouble of reformatting a file, it may be more economical to use a converter.

Here are some examples.

SKR03 to SKR04

The client sends you Datev posting batches in SKR03 format. However, you prefer to work with the SKR04 chart of accounts.

Our converter replaces the SKR03 accounts with SKR04 accounts.

>> coming soon

Account to IBAN

You still have a list of sort codes and account numbers and would like to convert them to IBAN.

Search and delete

You will always receive a monthly file in the same format. 
For further processing, you must delete lines, form totals, find errors, save texts, change format....

>> a converter can do all this at the click of a button

Datev learning file

In planning:
Automatically create Datev learning file from bank postings.
